Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

info seminar november 2012

#15-18 November 2012

10th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bali, Indonesia
Regristration fee :
Until December 2011
Member USD 450
Non-Member USD 500
Trainee USD 250
Accompanying Person USD 250
From January 2012
Member USD 600
Non-Member USD 700
Trainee USD 350
Accompanying Person USD 350
Please contact secretariat@acoms2012.com for further information.
Important dates:
Early bird registration limit –>Dec 31, 2011
Abstract submission deadline –> May 15, 2012
Abstract Acceptance Announcement –>June, 2012
Asian AOMS Council meeting –>Nov 15, 2012
Pre-congress workshop –> Nov 15, 2012
Scientific session Nov –> 15-18, 2012
Speakers Dinner (invitation only) –> Nov 15, 2012
ACOMS Dinner –> Nov 16, 2012
Trainee Dinner –> Nov 17, 2012

Check the website: http://www.acoms2012.com/
Call for Abstract :
Abstract deadline May 15, 2012
Instruction for abstract submission:
1. Please indicate the personal data
2. The abstract written in English and shall not be exceed 250 words excluding title and name
3. The person presenting the paper should have his/her name listed first
4. Please arrange the text in order of: Purpose, Material, and Method, Result, Conclusion
5. Abstract submission is only possible through secretariat@acoms2012.com
Author will be informed about acceptance/rejection and type of presentation of their abstract by June 2012.
Presenting author must be registered by July, 2012 otherwise the acceptance will be cancelled.

# 23-25 November 2012

tempat : Hotel JW. Marriot, Surabaya
Pembicara Utama
1. Prof.(E) S.M Mardewi Soerono Akbar, drg., Sp.KG(K) (UI)
2. H.M. Bernard O.Iskandar,drg., Sp.KG.,FICCDE., FICD (USAKTI)
3. Bambang Nursasongko, drg., Sp. KG(K) (UI)
4. Diatri Nari Ratih,drg., M.kes., Sp.KG.,Ph.D (UGM)
5. Pribadi Santoso,drg., MS., Sp.KG (UGM)
6. Dr. Dudi Arifin, drg., Sp.KG (UNPAD)
7. Dr. Andi Sumidarti (UNHAS)
8. Marino Sutedjo,drg., Sp.KG (Praktisi)
9. Prof. Dr. M. Rubianto, drg., MS., Sp. Perio (K) (UNAIR)
10. Harly Prabowo,drg., M.Sc., Ph.D (UNAIR)
11. Dr. Theresia Indah Budhy S, drg., M.Kes., Akp., D. CIBTAG (UNAIR)
12. Prof. Dr. Adioro Soetojo,drg., MS., Sp.KG(K) (UNAIR)
13. Ira widjiastuti, drg., M.Kes., Sp.KG(K) (UNAIR)
14. Dr. Dian Agustin W. drg., Sp.KG (UNAIR)
15. Pembicara Luar Negeri (4 Orang)

registrasion fee:
Peserta Dokter Gigi/Spesialis
Sebelum 31 Oktober 2012 Rp. 900.000
Setelah 31 Oktober 2012 Rp. 1.000.000
Onsite Rp. 1.100.000
Mahasiswa S1/PPDGS
Sebelum 31 Oktober 2012 Rp. 800.000
Setelah 31 Oktober 2012 Rp. 900.000
Onsite Rp. 1.000.000
Pembicara Ceramah Singkat
Sebelum 31 Oktober 2012 Rp. 800.000
Setelah 31 Oktober 2012 Rp. 900.000
Onsite Rp. 1.000.000

Contact Person
Ari Subiyanto, drg., MS., Sp.KG(K) 0857 3233 3201
Galih Sampoerno, drg., M.Kes., Sp.KG 0853 3588 2223
Ketut Suardita,drg. Ph.D., Sp.KG 0817 0391 5508
Karlina Samadi,drg.,MS., Sp.KG(K) 0818 312 869

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